Trading Psychology

Mind Over Markets: Sculpting Success Through Habit Formation – Trading Game

Understanding the psychology behind your habits is crucial for improving your trading. Louise gives practical examples and a checklist of ...

Bounce Back Fast: Mastering Resilience in Trading – Trading Game

Blog CategoriesAspirationAustralian MarketsBanks and FinanceBrokers/Fund ManagersChartingCommoditiesCryptocurrencyCurrenciesEconomyGet Your Shit TogetherHealth and FitnessHistory and ScienceInternational MarketsJason McIntoshMarket WizardsMichael YardneyMorons I have metMusicNewsletterTrading ...

Breaking Chains, Building Wealth: From Addiction to Triumph in Trading – Trading Game

I’m your go-to-expert for all things related to our exceptional Trading Game Mentor Program. So don’t hold back, ask me ...

At the Money: Lose the Noise – Trading Game

A constant stream of noise distracts investors: earnings reports, news releases, upgrades, downgrades, economic data, geopolitics. How should we best ...

Stillness and The Art of Trading – Trading Game

Following a few recent conversations with both new traders who don’t yet know the correct path and older traders who ...

Ten Minutes With Tate Let’s Talk About Friction…..Again – Trading Game

All trading systems contain friction and friction extracts a fee from the trader. The more you can do to identify ...

The Way You Talk To Yourself Matters – Trading Game

This may seem somewhat tangential to trading but psychology is psychology. Self-talk can either be a generator of performance or ...

Trade What You See – Trading Game

One of the most interesting parts of trading is the role of the human brain as an interface between you ...

Active Investors Need to Think About the Odds – Trading Game

Although investing is far noisier and uncertain than most card games, it is also an activity where understanding the odds ...

Everything is Obvious – Trading Game

The dominance of US equities has been one of the most significant features of financial markets over the last decade ...

Daniel Kahneman on Thinking, Fast and Slow – Trading Game

Trading is a profession that taxes our ability to view problems rationally and in a probabilistic manner. Daniel Kahneman highlights ...

Ten Minutes With Tate Well That Sucked – Trading Game

There is no doubt that trading is a difficult business – there is the illusion presented by the internet and ...

The Value of Holding Yourself Back – Trading Game

I was struggling. I was in my competitive running days, in the best shape of my life, knocking out workouts ...

Ten Minutes With Tate The World Will End…..Eventually – Trading Game

There is an old adage – garbage in, garbage out. Stemming from the world of computer science it is equally ...

The Other F Word – Trading Game

Thinking and talking about failure can be tough, especially when it’s us who’s failing. But it’s paramount for us as ...

Lessons From Sports Psychology Research – Trading Game

Since the early years of this century, it has been commonplace for computerized analyses of athletic statistics to guide a ...

Which Type of Investor Are You? – Trading Game

It is so tempting to get lost in the noise and intrigue of financial markets that we can easily forget ...

Ten Minutes With Tate There Is No Magic – Trading Game

Naturally, traders look to the internet for guidance its ubiquitous presence means that this is inevitable. Unfortunately, the trading-related videos ...

Building Mental Toughness – Trading Game

I’m your go-to-expert for all things related to our exceptional Trading Game Mentor Program. So don’t hold back, ask me ...

At the Money: Investor Incompetence – Trading Game

Investor incompetence might play a larger role in poor results than you think. That’s thanks to a phenomenon called the ...

How To Stop Doomscrolling And Reclaim Your Brain – Trading Game

Blog CategoriesAspirationAustralian MarketsBanks and FinanceBrokers/Fund ManagersChartingCommoditiesCryptocurrencyCurrenciesEconomyGet Your Shit TogetherHealth and FitnessHistory and ScienceInternational MarketsJason McIntoshMarket WizardsMichael YardneyMorons I have metMusicNewsletterTrading ...

Ken Long Reviews Successful Trades – The Gifts of Dr. Van K Tharp

Ken Long Reviews Successful Trades Click here to listen to Ken narrate the trade on YouTube Posted on June 15, ...

Ken Long’s Perspective on His Systems and His Teaching Style – The Gifts of Dr. Van K Tharp

Trade Alongside Ken  Long in His Back to Back Workshops A note to readers: This article is from a past ...

How You Process Information Influences Your Trading Results By Van K. Tharp – The Gifts of Dr. Van K Tharp

A note to readers: While Dr. Tharp’s content is timeless, this article is from our newsletter archive and may contain ...